Technology for the economic recovery of unconventional hydrocarbons


Summary of business, technology and market opportunity for World Energy Systems.

WES Enhanced Oil Recovery Technologies

WES injects high temperature, high pressure steam, along with a tailored mix of injectants that can include flue gasses, CO2, and other production-enhancing injectants and processes, to thermally stimulate the reservoir for production improvements. Using these methods, WES changes the character of the formation by effectively improving permeability and porosity through a combination of physical and chemical processes.

Kerogen conversion to oil

Modest incremental oil produced

Kerogen pore space is violated

Improves porosity results

oil heating, swelling

Causes micro-shearing, micro-fracturing

Improved permeability results

Heating improves viscosity, drainage and flow

Surface tension reduction

Miscible displacement, dilation

pressurized steam and gas injection

Thermal fracturing

Hydraulic fracturing

Improved permeability results

WES’ processes to improve production profiles of both newly completed wells and producing, declining wells lie somewhere between a short-term stimulation activity like hydraulic fracturing, and a conventional EOR approach using sustained injection of water, or CO2 for the productive life of the field. Following the stimulation, near-term oil production is strongly enhanced and accelerated. Because of improved porosity and permeability, and lighter, less viscous oil, along with production- enhancing EOR gasses, moderate to long-term production is also enhanced. Improved porosity and permeability make the formation more amenable to conventional EOR techniques such as CO2 injection or waterflood injection (which otherwise could not be injected into tight plays), providing further recovery enhancement options.

Thermal stimulation to improve porosity and permeability within the formation becomes the “gift that keeps on giving”, enhancing production near-term and long-term, and further enabling the use of low cost conventional EOR techniques for suitable reservoirs.